Billowing Catastrophe

Billowing Catastrophe

Oil Paint, Canvas, Resin, Plexiglass, Stone, Water, Oil, Plastic Toys, Plastic Bags and Bottles, and Garbage

  • My mural depicts smoke stacks polluting our air.

    Smoke stacks release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere. These chemicals, though they are released high into the atmosphere they still affect air quality which in turn damages the health of human beings, animals, vegetation and the ecosystem at large.

    I sculpted a skull out of clay. I then casted the skull and made a rubber mold. I filled the skull 5 times with resin, creating five skulls each containing and living within 5 separate plexi containers filled with rubbish. This garbage has been used and discarded by humans with total disregard for its effects on society, nature and the environment we live in.

    I hope this installation brings awareness to our catastrophic situation. I am very hopeful because so many people across the world including my own family and friends have taken up this mission.

Oil Spills

Resin, Oil, Dye, Water, Rocks, and Plexiglass

10” x 10”

  • The release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the marine ecosystems maims and kills hundreds of thousands birds, sea turtles and mammals. They are penetrated by the oil reducing their insulating abilities creating hypothermia and lessening their buoyancy and drowning is the result. The Dolphins and whales inhale the oil affecting their lungs, reproductive and immune system.

Death by Wire

Wire, Miniature Birds, and Plexiglass

10” x 10”

  • Millions of birds and animals are dying each year by collision and electrocution from power lines. The bird and animal mortality rate by barbed wire around airports, national parks etc. is cruel and heartbreaking. In this modern world we should be doing more to prevent this tragedy from happening.

Balloon Travesty

Resin, Dirt, Balloons, Fake Trees, and Plexiglass

10” x 10”

  • Celebrations with balloons is an innocent joy but the release of these balloons into the atmosphere is toxic. Wildlife, livestock,pets, sea turtles, seabirds and fish are perishing because ingestion of balloons causes obstruction, starvation and ultimately death.W


Resin, Water, Sand, Plastic Turtles and Fish, and Plexiglass

10” x 10”

  • Fish, turtles and mammals are dying from the injustices of human consumption. Plastic bottles and bags, straws, oil emissions etc., etc., etc. are destroying our environment. Until I was educated about the processes used in the creation of the everyday materials that are destroying the planet, I was not aware of the actual destruction. The Ocean Industrial Revolution is trying to stop the extinction of marine life.

Plastic Pollution

Resin, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Wrap, and Plexiglass

10” x 10”

  • Plastics and waste incineration has the largest negative climate impact.

    The fossil fuel to create plastics is oil, gas and coal about 12 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent are emitted while fracking to supply the USA with the arsenal it needs to create plastic. The creation and disintegration of plastics is affecting the climate, our health and the ocean.

The Skulls

Clay, Plaster, and Rubber

  • Sculpting the skull from clay was very helpful in learning about the anatomy of the head. Creating a rubber mold was fascinating because I now realized I could create multiple skulls. Using resin was time intensive but the results were amazing. I not only learned the technical skills of casting but also about new materials.