This sculpture captures the feeling of being overwhelmed by too many voices. Made from clay, glaze, wood, and nails, it mixes soft, malleable materials with harsh, unyielding elements to show the tension between vulnerability and external pressure. Inspired by a challenging time during high school, the work transforms personal pain into a raw, healing expression.

36” x 24” x 12” Clay, Glaze, Wood, and Nails


The Dude

This was my first sculpture. Dimensionalizing the head was a new challenge but I really enjoyed the process. Learning about the lights and darks by cutting into the clay was a revelation about plane change and the anatomical structure of the face. This experience helped me see better when I was drawing the figure or portrait models. He seems like a normal college dude but his eyes are vacant. There is a lot more than just good looks that substantiate a man’s presence.

17” High, Clay

Welded Peices

These two sculptures showcase plaster casting and welding to explore fragility and care. In the first, a plaster hand holds a birdcage, suggesting both protection and confinement. In the second, welded metal stems support flowers, representing growth and resilience

Plaster, Sheet metal, and metal rods

Is It Cake?

6”, wood and acrylic paint