
Fragile Freedom

Plaster and Metal

5” x 5” x 12”

Is it Cake?

Wood and Acrylic Paint

10” x 10” x 5”

The Dude


17” High

  • This was my first sculpture. Dimensionalizing the head was a new challenge but I really enjoyed the process. Learning about the lights and darks by cutting into the clay was a revelation about plane change and the anatomical structure of the face. This experience helped me see better when I was drawing the figure or portrait models. He seems like a normal college dude but his eyes are vacant. There is a lot more than just good looks that substantiate a man’s presence.

Another Perspective of “Fragile Freedom”

Monopolized Scandal

Canvas, Acrylic Paint, Metal Signs (bought not stolen), Metal Stakes

6’ x 5’

  • The bank is closed.
    The banker steals the loot.
    The cops catch him...dead end! End of story!!!

    My installation, created with traffic signs, tells the story of a man who has been corrupted by society. The greedy monopoly man had such a craving for money that he stole from the bank. Traffic signs are seen every day by all people and signs of corruption should be as obvious.

The Heart

Colored Pencil and Yarn

10” x 46”

  • I created three hearts and then threaded them together. One showing my healthy human heart: which represents being with my friends from New York, before my move to Florida. The second heart shows my heart being ripped apart: representing me having to leave my home and starting a new life. The third one is my heart being sewed back together: because the people I met here made me realize change is not so bad.